Indie music, as it seems, seems to be becoming more and more popular with nearly every teen in this generation having posted a picture of the 1975 concert they have attended or the cover of AM by Arctic Monkeys, but what really makes an indie an indie?
Independent music is music produced independently from major commercial record labels, a process that may include a do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing, with nearly all indie bands starting out as writing tunes in their rooms or garages and getting snapped up by record labels which see a potential, hence the name indie because most bands started out making music independently, and weren't built up with the help of a manager or record label from the start, a more commendable reason to love their music and what they do.
A way for me to spread my love for this genre, is to start a series on The Soundcheck dedicated to bands and artists with potential to make it big in 2017. Giving you a chance to love these indie bands who have started from scratch with their dads laptop and their brothers guitar in their bedrooms doing a hobby they love, only dreaming to make it big and turn into a phenomenon. So stick around for 2017 to see a monthly update on the newest up and coming bands in which will fulfil your musical desires, and be able to be the one to say "well I knew who they were before their first album" if anyone tries to challenge your musical knowledge, which all music lovers shamelessly feel great pride in being able to say.
Words// Carly Fry
Reviewed by Unknown

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