Who would've guessed that just a one month after starting to make music together, Harry and Tim aka Holiday Home would already be done writing and recording their Greetings From EP, which they put online for streaming last December. Based in Manchester, both of them are also members of the four-pieced band Mirror Gorillas. Now, Holiday Home, that's Harry from Cardiff who plays the guitar and does the vocals in the band, and Tim from Espom who, in addition to backing vocals and also playing the bass, have a cassette release of their debut EP coming out.
As part of our new Introducing to introduce new bands, we talked to Holiday Home about their music, their story and more.
How did you meet / How did you start the band?
One day Tim and I (Harry) were very bored in my room so we started thinking of band names because we didn't like our main bands name. Holiday Home came out, 4 chords later so did the song (Holiday Home).
How would you describe your genre? What do you want your music to sound like?
Low-Fi DIY sunshine pop, we want our music to sound like a postcard from an amazing holiday.
What are your biggest musicial inspirations? Who do you look up to?
Jonathan Richman with Summer Feeling, we're trying to recreate that song.
What are your plans for the future?
We've got a few more skeletons of songs but we just need to find the time to record them in our bedroom, so if we find the time hopefully a second EP.
What is a song that changed your life?
Regina Spektor - Us
I (Harry) had an unhealthy obsession with 500 days of summer and just wanted to find what Summer and Tom had you know?
Imagine: A major pop star would want you on tour with them. Would you reject it or take the chance? Why / Why not?
We would happily go on tour with any pop star, we love cheesy pop and I suppose it would be a cool first gig. Holiday Home presents Cher Lloyd/Taylor Swift/Miley Cyrus.
What would you like to add?
If you want sunshine good times and a little heartache come to holiday home where the door's always open.
Check out Holiday Home's sweet summery music for FREE:
Purchase Greeting From- EP as cassette tape here:
Find Holiday Home on social media:
As part of our new Introducing to introduce new bands, we talked to Holiday Home about their music, their story and more.
How did you meet / How did you start the band?
One day Tim and I (Harry) were very bored in my room so we started thinking of band names because we didn't like our main bands name. Holiday Home came out, 4 chords later so did the song (Holiday Home).
How would you describe your genre? What do you want your music to sound like?
Low-Fi DIY sunshine pop, we want our music to sound like a postcard from an amazing holiday.
What are your biggest musicial inspirations? Who do you look up to?
Jonathan Richman with Summer Feeling, we're trying to recreate that song.
What are your plans for the future?
We've got a few more skeletons of songs but we just need to find the time to record them in our bedroom, so if we find the time hopefully a second EP.
What is a song that changed your life?
Regina Spektor - Us
I (Harry) had an unhealthy obsession with 500 days of summer and just wanted to find what Summer and Tom had you know?
Imagine: A major pop star would want you on tour with them. Would you reject it or take the chance? Why / Why not?
We would happily go on tour with any pop star, we love cheesy pop and I suppose it would be a cool first gig. Holiday Home presents Cher Lloyd/Taylor Swift/Miley Cyrus.
What would you like to add?
If you want sunshine good times and a little heartache come to holiday home where the door's always open.
Check out Holiday Home's sweet summery music for FREE:
Purchase Greeting From- EP as cassette tape here:
Find Holiday Home on social media:
Reviewed by Lina Friedrich

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